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2010年12月 Archive


  • Posted by: Jay
  • Linux



-----------Result of zoverall------------

Basic statistics

qtime is the time spent by a message in the queue.

ddelay is the latency for a successful delivery to one recipient---the
end of successful delivery, minus the time when the message was queued.

xdelay is the latency for a delivery attempt---the time when the attempt
finished, minus the time when it started. The average concurrency is the
total xdelay for all deliveries divided by the time span; this is a good
measure of how busy the mailer is.

Completed messages: 153
Recipients for completed messages: 153
Total delivery attempts for completed messages: 153
Average delivery attempts per completed message: 1
Bytes in completed messages: 1501110
Bytes weighted by success: 1501110
Average message qtime (s): 1.12839

Total delivery attempts: 153
success: 153
failure: 0
deferral: 0
Total ddelay (s): 165.507989
Average ddelay per success (s): 1.081752
Total xdelay (s): 122.277667
Average xdelay per delivery attempt (s): 0.799200
Time span (days): 0.945623
Average concurrency: 0.00149663

-----------Result of zddist------------
Distribution of ddelays for successful deliveries

Meaning of each line: The first pct% of successful deliveries
all happened within doneby seconds. The average ddelay was avg.

doneby avg pct
0.27 0.17 10
4.24 1.08 100

-----------Result of zdeferrals------------
Reasons for deferral

One line per reason for deferral. Information on each line:
* del is the number of deliveries that ended for this reason.
* xdelay is the total xdelay on those deliveries.

del xdelay reason

-----------Result of zfailures------------
Reasons for failure

One line per reason for delivery failure. Information on each line:
* del is the number of deliveries that ended for this reason.
* xdelay is the total xdelay on those deliveries.

del xdelay reason

-----------Result of zrhosts------------
Recipient hosts

One line per recipient host. Information on each line:
* sbytes is the number of bytes successfully delivered to this host.
* mess is the number of messages sent to this host (success plus failure).
* tries is the number of delivery attempts (success, failure, deferral).
* xdelay is the total xdelay incurred by this host.

sbytes mess tries xdelay host

-----------Result of zsuids------------
Sender uids

One line per sender uid. Information on each line:
* mess is the number of messages sent by this uid.
* bytes is the number of bytes sent by this uid.
* sbytes is the number of bytes successfully received from this uid.
* rbytes is the number of bytes from this uid, weighted by recipient.
* recips is the number of recipients (success plus failure).
* tries is the number of delivery attempts (success, failure, deferral).
* xdelay is the total xdelay incurred by this uid.

mess bytes sbytes rbytes recips tries xdelay uid

-----------Result of zrxdelay------------
Recipients in the best order for mailing lists

One line per recipient, sorted by avg. Information on each line:
* avg is the _average_ xdelay for the recipient.
* tries is the number of deliveries that avg is based on.

avg tries recipient
0.10 36 local.soph.jp-xxxxxxxx@soph.jp
0.38 15 remote.xxxxxxxxxx@i.softbank.jp
0.42 28 local.soph.jp-xxxxxxxxx@soph.jp
0.63 2 remote.xxxxxxxx@xxx.ocn.ne.jp
2.63 28 remote.xxxxx@gmail.com

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